Israel Worried About Improvement in Arab-Iran Ties

May 30, 1998 - 0:0
ATHENS - Political circles in the Zionist state have voiced concern over the betterment of relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia following the current visit of Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal to Tehran. According to a report from Al-Qods, Israeli Radio today broadcast statements by sources in the foreign ministry of the Zionist state saying that any rapprochement between Iran and the Arab states is not desired from the Israeli viewpoint.

The sources said that Iran's success in improving its ties with the Arab world without changing its policies towards Israel and the peace process is regarded as a success for Iranian policy and a failure of the U.S.-Israeli strategy to isolate the Islamic Republic. The Israeli sources expressed the view that the rapprochement between Iran and some Arab countries illustrates the disappointment of the leaders of those Arab countries over U.S. bias towards Israel. A commentary on Israeli radio attacked the improvement of ties between Iran and Arab states, suggesting that the Arab states should not trust Iran because it seeks to export terrorism to Arab states.

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